
Vineyard spreader with spinners to spread the narrowest rows. 

3 and 4 Cubic yard boxes

Compact, Simple, Efective

Compost 5m3

This Spreader is designed to spread almost any material like: Compost, Manure, Chicken litter, sawdust, mulch... due to its special discharge system in the front. 

One axle or tandem axle option

Compact, Simple, Efective

Compost 10m3

Our large box spreader comes with the option of rear discharge with 2 spinners and also front one side discharge 

One axle or tandem axle option

Compact, Simple, Efective

RCS 250

Spreader designed for orchards like almonds, pistachos, walnuts and others. Built strong to endure the thoughest jobs.

One axle or tandem axle option

Conveyor and Spinner option